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Why I (Now) Use Polymail for Work

Half a year ago, I wrote a post in which I recommended the Mailbox App made by the Dropbox team. Unfortunately, Mailbox was discontinued earlier this year. So I started yet another search for a mail client that had the same strengths as Mailbox: an option to snooze, a focus on “inbox zero”, and great shortcuts to support the first two strengths.

I looked at a whole lot of clients. Airmail, Postbox, Nylas N1, Inky, and Unibox were the ones that stood out. I ended up testing each one of those. While they all have great features and in most cases have at least one or two strengths that make them stand out, none of them had the three strengths – or, at least, weren’t on the same level – as Mailbox. So I continued my search.

… And found Polymail. This email client is still only in alpha version and already it is everything Mailbox ever was, and more.

What Mailbox Was

It has exactly the same strengths as Mailbox:

And More

Polymail has more to offer than Mailbox. Here are some of those added features:

The last item on that list shows nicely what the developers are doing: they are listening to their users. People who have early access are invited to join a Slack team and a Trello board to discuss the progress and to report bugs/suggest features. While there are still a few things I’d like to see changed, those are minimal in comparison to what Polymail already can do.


At the moment, there are only two things that Mailbox did better, and they are quite small:


Polymail is amazing. If you’re looking for a client that lets you fly through your emails and get to inbox zero on a daily basis with an easy option to snooze, Polymail is your best bet.

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